1. How was your week? Share with us some highlights.

Yeah, I have two things. I started a new hobby this week—digital drawing. And I also started working out at the gym.

(그래, 두 가지가 있어. 이번 주에 새로운 취미로 디지털 드로잉을 시작했어. 그리고 헬스장에서 운동도 시작했어.)

My week was pretty busy, but it was also productive. I finally finished a project I’ve been working on for a month. Also, I tried a new restaurant with some friends over the weekend, and the food was amazing!

(이번 주는 꽤 바빴지만 생산적이었어. 한 달 동안 진행했던 프로젝트를 드디어 끝냈어. 그리고 주말에는 친구들이랑 새로운 식당에 갔는데 음식이 정말 맛있었어.)

2. Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?

I think I would trade looks for intelligence because intelligence lasts longer and can help me achieve more in life. Looks might fade over time, but being smart is something you can always use to your advantage.
(나는 외모를 지능으로 바꿀 것 같아. 지능은 오래가고 인생에서 더 많은 것을 성취하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있잖아. 외모는 시간이 지나면 변할 수 있지만, 지능은 언제나 유리하게 쓸 수 있어.)

3. Do you have any superstitions? Do you believe in fortune telling?

I’m not really superstitious, but in my culture, we have some interesting eliefs. For example, we believe that whistling at night can bring bad luck. As for fortune telling, I don’t take it seriously, but I think it’s fun to hear what they say.
(난 딱히 미신을 믿진 않지만, 우리 문화에는 몇 가지 흥미로운 믿음들이 있어. 예를 들어, 밤에 휘파람을 불면 불운을 가져온다고 해. 점을 믿진 않지만, 재미로 듣는 건 좋아해.)

4. What’s the best gift you have ever received?

The best gift I’ve ever received was a like from my dad. he gave it to me when I was younger, and I still remember how excited I was. It wasn’t just a gift—it was the beginning of my love for cycling, and it’s something I still enjoy today.”
(내가 받은 최고의 선물은 아버지가 어렸을 때 주신 자전거야. 정말 신났던 기억이 아직도 생생해. 그게 단순한 선물이 아니었고, 그때부터 자전거 타는 걸 좋아하게 됐거든. 지금도 여전히 즐기고

5. Do you think that smartphones make us more stupid?

I think smartphones have both positive and negative effects. On one hand, they give us access to so much information, but on the other hand, we rely on them too much for basic things like remembering phone numbers or finding directions.
(스마트폰은 긍정적이고 부정적인 영향을 모두 가지고 있다고 생각해. 한편으로는 많은 정보를 제공해주지만, 다른 한편으로는 전화번호 기억하거나 길 찾기 같은 기본적인 것들을 스마트폰에 너무 의존하게 되는 것 같아.)

6. Are there any particular skills you would like to learn?

I’ve always been interested in woodworking. It seems really satisfying to be able to create something with my own hands, whether it’s furniture or small decorative items. I’d love to learn how to use the tools properly and make something from scratch.
(나는 항상 목공예에 관심이 있었어. 가구나 작은 장식품 같은 것들을 내 손으로 직접 만드는 게 정말 뿌듯할 것 같거든. 도구를 제대로 사용하는 법을 배우고, 처음부터 끝까지 내가 만든 걸 보고 싶어.)

I’ve recently started going to the gym, and I really want to learn how to lift weights properly. I’m still a beginner, so I want to make sure my form is correct and that I’m working on the right muscles.”
(나 최근에 헬스장을 다니기 시작했는데, 제대로 웨이트를 드는 방법을 배우고 싶어. 아직 초보라서 자세를 제대로 하고 있는지, 그리고 올바른 근육을 쓰고 있는지 확실히 하고 싶거든.)

I’ve always wanted to improve my swimming. I can swim, but I’m not very good at it. It would be great to learn proper techniques, maybe even try different strokes like butterfly or backstroke.
(나는 항상 수영 실력을 더 키우고 싶었어. 수영은 할 줄 알지만, 잘 하진 못하거든. 제대로 된 기술을 배우고, 접영이나 배영 같은 다양한 영법도 한번 해보고 싶어.)

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